What a day! Mozette is over here to help me with a few things with Bookcrossing (as well as doing some BC things herself) and she has been kind enough to photograph my gift from Wombles. And just look at it; isn't it lovely? It does make you want to pick out one of those teas and settle down with the book and have a good read.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift and all the goodies that came with it. I have journaled the book and will have to most definitely find time to read it over the holiday period.
I've been a member of BookCrossing now since 2004, but not been an active one until the middle of 2009. This is why.
I have worked fulltime for quite a few years, but in April 2008, I had a serious hand operation that set me back a bit as it was my left hand, and I am left handed. I suffered depression and could not get interested in much at all as function since my operation has not returned fully.
My wonderful daughter, Mozette, had talked about my operation on BC and in response to that, I received thoughtful get well vibes and messages from you even though you did not know me. I was overwhelmed that you would do this for Mozette and me and I thank you all. It helped me so much.
Mozette organised a birthday surprise for me on BookCrossing, and what a surprise it was. So many generous and warm people became involved and sent me cards, and gifts. I thank you all.
With daily encouragement and help, I mean serious help from Mozette, here I am a TOTALLY committed BookCrosser.
I would sincerely like to thank everyone for making me feel welcome and for the cards, gifts, and books you have so generously sent to me this year.
I wish you and your families a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year for 2010.